Glutinous Rice

Glutinous rice, known for its sticky and chewy texture when cooked, is a staple in many traditional Asian dishes. Despite its name, it doesn’t contain gluten; its high amylopectin content gives it the characteristic stickiness. This versatile rice is used in a wide range of recipes, from savory dishes like sticky rice to sweet desserts like mochi and rice cakes.

Product Information

Moisture 14.0%  max.
Broken (3/4 basic) 5.0% max
Yellow Kernels 1.0% max
Damaged and Discoloured kernels 3.0% max
Foreign matters 0.2% max.
White Rice Admixture 5.0% max.
Paddy (grains/kg) 5 grains max.
Red/Red Streaked Kernels 1.0% max
Average length 6.2 mm.
Milling degree Well-milled, Sortexed
Crop Year Current